Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Celebrities praise having babies as true meaning of life

I am posting here today quotes of #Celebrities that the world will recognize who have publicly praised becoming #mothers of living babies because #realwomenhavebabies. I encourage you to read all of these and all blogs of mine. Also, thank you to the 951 viewers/ readers of this blog of mine last month. I give GOD the glory for the reality that I also produced two living mini-mes long ago and they still matter in my life and vice versa. The photo in the header is one of my granddaughters a few minutes after she was born and my daughter photographed her for me to use for this blog. Also, please see the photo of a 12 week gestation baby at the bottom of this post, because we the good people of these United States have to end the premeditated murders of tiny, defenseless humans and I want all to see that a 12 week gestation [baby in womb ] looks human and IS HUMAN.

There is no particular order to these. I read them in news, wrote them down, collected them and now y'all can read them too:

1) When you have a baby when you feel his love, you feel so at ease with the world, you just want to share the good news and share how happy you feel. " #Shakira

2) "Being a mother is one of the most important roles in #life". @MelaniaTrump.

3) "The arrival of every baby is a precious and momentous time. It brings us together to reflect on new beginnings and new #hope for the future". #Catherine, @PrincessofWales 17 Dec2023 at her @WestminsterAbbey #Christmas Carol #Concert.

4) "Children make your life important". Erma Bombeck.

5) " I love babies! It's all such a beautiful #TapestryofLIFE and creation". Kathy Lee Gifford ,@TodayShow;

6) "I love, love children. I love raising them. they make me feel good; and I love being around; and I love the ups and downs; and I love watching them grow, and the things they say and teach". @NicoleKidmanUrban. @KeithUrban

and also " I love mothering. I love kids, they're quirky, funny and unfiltered. " Nicole Kidman Urab to @People magazine 12May2024

7) "I didn't feel fully landed and fully here until I was a mom". @AnneHathaway to @People mag, 12May2024.

8) "Having a baby is the greatest joy in the world." @LindseyLohanShammus to @FoxNews, 12May2024.

9)"Being a mom is the best title I could ever have". @BrittanyMahomes to @People mag 12May2024; @PatrickMahomes.

10) 'Being a mom is the most incredible experience I have ever had. it's a love that cannot be put into words, a feeling that I never knew existed until I held [baby] in my arms." @ParisHilton Reum to @People mag, 13May2024.

11)"They bring purpose to every aspect of my life". @Rihanna about her 2 very young boys , to @Elle, mag, 12May2024.

11) "You are my everything! Becoming a mother has been the portal I always knew it was and yet so much more than I ever imagined" @RumerWillis about her baby, to @people , 12May2024

12)"The new light of our lives! We are overjoyed and grateful for this little #miracle...who changed our whole world." @KaleyCuoco, to @People, 12May2024.,

13) "We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same and worth saving". @JKRowling;

14) "I've entered the best phase of my life :#motherhood". @CameronDiazMadden

15) "The baby in the womb is innocent". @Louisiana Legislator Dodie Horton, 14May 2024

16) "At the moment of conception, a life starts and this life has its own uinque set of #DNA, which obtains a #blueprint for the whole genetic makeup and the sex is determined . We know there is #life because [the human in utero] is growing and changing. " Kathy Ireland; with my clarification in parentheses.

17) "The #righttolife is not a woman's issue". Margaret Heckler, former Secretary of Health Education and Welfare [which was renamed to something years ago, but her words are so precisely true because if the human race dies out and the planet is returned to the animals, it would invoke the wrath of GOD according to The Holy Bible. In Genesis chapter one GOD said "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it.

And some quotes of people [authors, legislators, poets, Presidents, artists] who are world reknown and who have significant words on this subject:<> 1) "A baby is God's opinion that life should continue." Carl Sandburg

2) "Life is not a problem but a reality to be experienced". Soren Kierkegaard.

3) "The most important thing is your family and taking care of each other and loving each other no matter what. " Stephen Curry.

4) "GOD setteth the solitary in families". Psalmist King David as written in Psalms 68:6a. KJV.

5) "What is needed is legislation that guarantees the #righttolife for all #American citizens, including those still in the womb...Therefore we must be boldly vocal about saving our fellow human beings through the legislative process. They are counting on us. " Dr Ben Carson, MD,@BenCarson Pediatric Neurosurgeon , to @NBC yesterday 14May2024. Dr Carson also wrote a book "The Perilous fight" which I am planning to buy asap. ,

6) "You understand deeply that #life is the biggest gift we have. " Reinhold Messner.

7) "Family is not the important thing. It's everything'. " Michael J Fox.

8)"The family is one of nature's masterpieces." George Santayana.

9) "A good #father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, ...and most valuable asset in or society. " Billy Graham. I include this quote because men are as essential to human life as women are, because they create #sperm [#semen] which fertilizes the human egg.

10) "The fight for #life is Number 1" [priority]. Missouri's @JohnBrunner.@MoLeg <> 11) "There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men." John Locke.

12) "GOD could not be everywhere and therefore HE made #mothers." Rudyard Kipling.

13)"The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children". Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed for protesting the Nazi regime per history.

14) "We have the duty to protect the life of the unborn child". Ronald Reagan.

15)"There is no cause more important for preserving freedom than affirming the transcendent #righttolife of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning. " President Ronald Reagan.

16)"The human body is the best work of #art". Jess C Scott.

17) "There is no more important issue than restoring the protection of the law to prenatal infants. Sen Gordon Humphrey, #Repub,@NewHampshire.

18) "The care of human life and not its destruction the first and only legitimate object of good government. " Founding Father Thomas Jefferson.

19) "No law can give me the right to do what is wrong [in GOD's eyes}. President Abraham Lincoln

20) "Children and unborn #children should be protected by law and welcomed into life." Pres George W Bush.

21) "A person's a person no matter how small". Medical Doctor/Pediatrician Dr Seuss.

22) "Daddies don't just love their #children every now and then. It's a love without end. Amen. " Country Music legend @GeorgeStrait.

The words of The Holy Bible on this subject but certainly not all the words in it on this subject. I urge all to read The Holy Bible and learn the character of THE GOD. Some scriptures:

"In the day that GOD created man in the likeness of GOD made HE him [Adam] and male and female created HE them and blessed them. " Genesis 5:1b-2a

"Thus saith THE LORD: " I will contend with him that contendeth with thee; and I will save thy children'. Isaiah 42:25, NRSV[ New Revised Standard Bible, which was the first Bible version I owned as a child.

"The children of THY servants shall continue and their seed shall be established before THEE." Psalms 102:28,KJV.{King James Holy Bible].

"THY hands have made me and fashioned me. " Psalms 119:73a.

"Shall I bring to the birth and not cause to bring forth and shut the womb? saith THE LORD". Isaiah 66:9,KJV. I love this verse because to me it means that GOD finishes what HE starts i.e when HE causes a spermatozoa to enter a human egg and it implants in the moist soft lining of the uterus, GOD's predetermined blueprint for the new human being unfolds itself in the microscopic union of egg and sperm and each stage of the tiny human's development is preordained by GOD HIMSELF and it creates minute by minute a new person; and HE brings it into the world through the birth canal.

"HE [GOD] setteth the poor on high from affliction and maketh him families like a flock." Psalms 107:41,KJV.

"HE [GOD] blessed them also so that they multiplied greatly." Psalms 107:38a

"Thou shalt do no murder". JESUS to Matthew in ch 19:18a

"I will praise THEE O LORD for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. " Psalms 139:14a

"Lo, children are an heritage of THE LORD, and the fruit of the womb is HIS reward. " Psalms 127:3, KJV.

"Thou shalt not kill" Genesis 20:13, KJV.

I added this photo from a medical reference book that I bought years ago, to make it clear that a baby in the amniotic sac is a human being and that the evil of abortion must be outlawed around the world. You can plainly see the tiny human and most likely that human baby died from an abortion which is incredibly sad to me. I have spent 30 years of my life as a professional nurse trying to end the premeditated killing of innocent human beings in the one place that safety should be absolutely guaranteed by the U S Constitution --the womb of the mother, the tiny "house" of the developing baby. The photo I re-photographed quickly this morning is in the textbook "From Conception to Birth" by Roberts Rugh and Landrum B Shettles.

It is of critical importance that all GOD's people everywhere open their mouths for all those innocents appointed to destruction [ [Proverbs 31:8,KJV] and change the culture of these United States from a death upon demand to a LIFE AFFIRMING, LIFE UPHOLDING one. I am a U S citizen by birth and I write under the auspices of the First Amendment to the U S Constitution. I am not an ngo and there are no legal reasons for censoring me . Y'all can contact me by email, by telephone, by U S mail, and please see other blogs of mine, that I create one by one for a variety of reasons: prolife advocacy, displaying #art I create, publishing #words I write including poems, op-eds, and #publichealth information as #RegisteredNurse, including these:

Selfie of me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist in Republic Missouri, who owns this blog and lives alone in this apartment and owns all in this apartment. Since @Google deleted all my 15 years worth of #photos I photographed in the #illegalcensorship drive of the current administration to persecute and harass #prolife citizens, I had to upload one of my selfies from my computer. This selfie is me in autumn of 2023 in my apartment in Republic Missouri.
Posted today 15May2024 at 8:11am by me Gloria Poole,Registered #Nurse,artist of #Republic Missouri,[#RepMO] in my own apartment with my own internet, my own computer, my own skills and my years' worth of collection of quotes I watch for and write down. I am an umarried white woman but i have been married and divorced twice and have 2 grown daughters of my own and 8 grandchildren whom I adore.