Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Celebrities praise having babies as true meaning of life

I am posting here today quotes of #Celebrities that the world will recognize who have publicly praised becoming #mothers of living babies because #realwomenhavebabies. I encourage you to read all of these and all blogs of mine. Also, thank you to the 951 viewers/ readers of this blog of mine last month. I give GOD the glory for the reality that I also produced two living mini-mes long ago and they still matter in my life and vice versa. The photo in the header is one of my granddaughters a few minutes after she was born and my daughter photographed her for me to use for this blog. Also, please see the photo of a 12 week gestation baby at the bottom of this post, because we the good people of these United States have to end the premeditated murders of tiny, defenseless humans and I want all to see that a 12 week gestation [baby in womb ] looks human and IS HUMAN.

There is no particular order to these. I read them in news, wrote them down, collected them and now y'all can read them too:

1) When you have a baby when you feel his love, you feel so at ease with the world, you just want to share the good news and share how happy you feel. " #Shakira

2) "Being a mother is one of the most important roles in #life". @MelaniaTrump.

3) "The arrival of every baby is a precious and momentous time. It brings us together to reflect on new beginnings and new #hope for the future". #Catherine, @PrincessofWales 17 Dec2023 at her @WestminsterAbbey #Christmas Carol #Concert.

4) "Children make your life important". Erma Bombeck.

5) " I love babies! It's all such a beautiful #TapestryofLIFE and creation". Kathy Lee Gifford ,@TodayShow;

6) "I love, love children. I love raising them. they make me feel good; and I love being around; and I love the ups and downs; and I love watching them grow, and the things they say and teach". @NicoleKidmanUrban. @KeithUrban

and also " I love mothering. I love kids, they're quirky, funny and unfiltered. " Nicole Kidman Urab to @People magazine 12May2024

7) "I didn't feel fully landed and fully here until I was a mom". @AnneHathaway to @People mag, 12May2024.

8) "Having a baby is the greatest joy in the world." @LindseyLohanShammus to @FoxNews, 12May2024.

9)"Being a mom is the best title I could ever have". @BrittanyMahomes to @People mag 12May2024; @PatrickMahomes.

10) 'Being a mom is the most incredible experience I have ever had. it's a love that cannot be put into words, a feeling that I never knew existed until I held [baby] in my arms." @ParisHilton Reum to @People mag, 13May2024.

11)"They bring purpose to every aspect of my life". @Rihanna about her 2 very young boys , to @Elle, mag, 12May2024.

11) "You are my everything! Becoming a mother has been the portal I always knew it was and yet so much more than I ever imagined" @RumerWillis about her baby, to @people , 12May2024

12)"The new light of our lives! We are overjoyed and grateful for this little #miracle...who changed our whole world." @KaleyCuoco, to @People, 12May2024.,

13) "We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same and worth saving". @JKRowling;

14) "I've entered the best phase of my life :#motherhood". @CameronDiazMadden

15) "The baby in the womb is innocent". @Louisiana Legislator Dodie Horton, 14May 2024

16) "At the moment of conception, a life starts and this life has its own uinque set of #DNA, which obtains a #blueprint for the whole genetic makeup and the sex is determined . We know there is #life because [the human in utero] is growing and changing. " Kathy Ireland; with my clarification in parentheses.

17) "The #righttolife is not a woman's issue". Margaret Heckler, former Secretary of Health Education and Welfare [which was renamed to something years ago, but her words are so precisely true because if the human race dies out and the planet is returned to the animals, it would invoke the wrath of GOD according to The Holy Bible. In Genesis chapter one GOD said "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it.

And some quotes of people [authors, legislators, poets, Presidents, artists] who are world reknown and who have significant words on this subject:<> 1) "A baby is God's opinion that life should continue." Carl Sandburg

2) "Life is not a problem but a reality to be experienced". Soren Kierkegaard.

3) "The most important thing is your family and taking care of each other and loving each other no matter what. " Stephen Curry.

4) "GOD setteth the solitary in families". Psalmist King David as written in Psalms 68:6a. KJV.

5) "What is needed is legislation that guarantees the #righttolife for all #American citizens, including those still in the womb...Therefore we must be boldly vocal about saving our fellow human beings through the legislative process. They are counting on us. " Dr Ben Carson, MD,@BenCarson Pediatric Neurosurgeon , to @NBC yesterday 14May2024. Dr Carson also wrote a book "The Perilous fight" which I am planning to buy asap. ,

6) "You understand deeply that #life is the biggest gift we have. " Reinhold Messner.

7) "Family is not the important thing. It's everything'. " Michael J Fox.

8)"The family is one of nature's masterpieces." George Santayana.

9) "A good #father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, ...and most valuable asset in or society. " Billy Graham. I include this quote because men are as essential to human life as women are, because they create #sperm [#semen] which fertilizes the human egg.

10) "The fight for #life is Number 1" [priority]. Missouri's @JohnBrunner.@MoLeg <> 11) "There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men." John Locke.

12) "GOD could not be everywhere and therefore HE made #mothers." Rudyard Kipling.

13)"The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children". Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed for protesting the Nazi regime per history.

14) "We have the duty to protect the life of the unborn child". Ronald Reagan.

15)"There is no cause more important for preserving freedom than affirming the transcendent #righttolife of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning. " President Ronald Reagan.

16)"The human body is the best work of #art". Jess C Scott.

17) "There is no more important issue than restoring the protection of the law to prenatal infants. Sen Gordon Humphrey, #Repub,@NewHampshire.

18) "The care of human life and not its destruction the first and only legitimate object of good government. " Founding Father Thomas Jefferson.

19) "No law can give me the right to do what is wrong [in GOD's eyes}. President Abraham Lincoln

20) "Children and unborn #children should be protected by law and welcomed into life." Pres George W Bush.

21) "A person's a person no matter how small". Medical Doctor/Pediatrician Dr Seuss.

22) "Daddies don't just love their #children every now and then. It's a love without end. Amen. " Country Music legend @GeorgeStrait.

The words of The Holy Bible on this subject but certainly not all the words in it on this subject. I urge all to read The Holy Bible and learn the character of THE GOD. Some scriptures:

"In the day that GOD created man in the likeness of GOD made HE him [Adam] and male and female created HE them and blessed them. " Genesis 5:1b-2a

"Thus saith THE LORD: " I will contend with him that contendeth with thee; and I will save thy children'. Isaiah 42:25, NRSV[ New Revised Standard Bible, which was the first Bible version I owned as a child.

"The children of THY servants shall continue and their seed shall be established before THEE." Psalms 102:28,KJV.{King James Holy Bible].

"THY hands have made me and fashioned me. " Psalms 119:73a.

"Shall I bring to the birth and not cause to bring forth and shut the womb? saith THE LORD". Isaiah 66:9,KJV. I love this verse because to me it means that GOD finishes what HE starts i.e when HE causes a spermatozoa to enter a human egg and it implants in the moist soft lining of the uterus, GOD's predetermined blueprint for the new human being unfolds itself in the microscopic union of egg and sperm and each stage of the tiny human's development is preordained by GOD HIMSELF and it creates minute by minute a new person; and HE brings it into the world through the birth canal.

"HE [GOD] setteth the poor on high from affliction and maketh him families like a flock." Psalms 107:41,KJV.

"HE [GOD] blessed them also so that they multiplied greatly." Psalms 107:38a

"Thou shalt do no murder". JESUS to Matthew in ch 19:18a

"I will praise THEE O LORD for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. " Psalms 139:14a

"Lo, children are an heritage of THE LORD, and the fruit of the womb is HIS reward. " Psalms 127:3, KJV.

"Thou shalt not kill" Genesis 20:13, KJV.

I added this photo from a medical reference book that I bought years ago, to make it clear that a baby in the amniotic sac is a human being and that the evil of abortion must be outlawed around the world. You can plainly see the tiny human and most likely that human baby died from an abortion which is incredibly sad to me. I have spent 30 years of my life as a professional nurse trying to end the premeditated killing of innocent human beings in the one place that safety should be absolutely guaranteed by the U S Constitution --the womb of the mother, the tiny "house" of the developing baby. The photo I re-photographed quickly this morning is in the textbook "From Conception to Birth" by Roberts Rugh and Landrum B Shettles.

It is of critical importance that all GOD's people everywhere open their mouths for all those innocents appointed to destruction [ [Proverbs 31:8,KJV] and change the culture of these United States from a death upon demand to a LIFE AFFIRMING, LIFE UPHOLDING one. I am a U S citizen by birth and I write under the auspices of the First Amendment to the U S Constitution. I am not an ngo and there are no legal reasons for censoring me . Y'all can contact me by email, by telephone, by U S mail, and please see other blogs of mine, that I create one by one for a variety of reasons: prolife advocacy, displaying #art I create, publishing #words I write including poems, op-eds, and #publichealth information as #RegisteredNurse, including these:

Selfie of me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist in Republic Missouri, who owns this blog and lives alone in this apartment and owns all in this apartment. Since @Google deleted all my 15 years worth of #photos I photographed in the #illegalcensorship drive of the current administration to persecute and harass #prolife citizens, I had to upload one of my selfies from my computer. This selfie is me in autumn of 2023 in my apartment in Republic Missouri.
Posted today 15May2024 at 8:11am by me Gloria Poole,Registered #Nurse,artist of #Republic Missouri,[#RepMO] in my own apartment with my own internet, my own computer, my own skills and my years' worth of collection of quotes I watch for and write down. I am an umarried white woman but i have been married and divorced twice and have 2 grown daughters of my own and 8 grandchildren whom I adore.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Abortion is catastrophic to U S and all nations read statistics

So called legal abortion is catastrophic to U S and to all nations:

Quoting CDC Vital Statistics PUBLIC reports:

"Births and Natality

Data are for the U.S.

* Number of births: 3,664,292

* Birth rate: 11.0 per 1,000 population [11/1000 = 0.011]

* Fertility rate: 56.3 births per 1,000 women aged 15-44

* Percent born low birthweight: 8.52%

* Percent born preterm: 10.49%

* Percent unmarried: 40.0%

* Mean age at first birth: 27.3

Birthweight and Gestation

Data are for the U.S.

* Number of babies born low birthweight (less than 2500 grams): 311,932

* Percent born low birthweight: 8.52%

* Percent born very low birthweight (less than 1500 grams): 1.38%

* Number of preterm births: 383,979

* Percent born preterm: 10.49%

* Prenatal care initiated in the 1st trimester: 78.3%

* Percent born preterm (less than 37 completed weeks of gestation): 10.49%

* Percent cesarean delivery: 32.1%

* Medicaid as source of payment for the delivery: 41.0%

 In the United States, State laws require birth certificates to be completed for all births, and Federal law mandates national collection and publication of births and other vital statistics data. The National Vital Statistics System, the Federal compilation of this data, is the result of the cooperation between the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the States to provide access to statistical information from birth certificates."

A total of 19,928 infant deaths were reported in the United States in 2021, up 2% from 2020 ...

Infant mortality and mortality rates are described by age at death, maternal race and Hispanic origin, maternal age, gestational age, leading causes of death, and maternal state of residence. Infant mortality trends are also presented by selected characteristics. In the linked file, information from the death certificate is linked to information from the birth certificate for each infant under age 1 year who died in the 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or Guam during 2021 (1) "

Birth rates from 2021 to 2022 declined for females aged 15–24 and rose for women aged 25–29 and 35–44.

* The birth rate for teenagers aged 15–19 declined 2% from 2021 to 2022 (13.9 to 13.6 births per 1,000 females), following a decline of 7% from 2020 to 2021 (Figure 2).

* The birth rate for women aged 20–24 declined 7% from 61.5 in 2021 to 57.5 in 2022, following a decline of 3% from 2020 to 2021. The birth rate for women aged 25–29 rose 1% in 2022 to 93.5 from 93.0 in 2021, following a rise of 2% from 2020 to 2021.

* In 2022, the birth rate for women aged 30–34 was essentially unchanged at 97.5, while the rate for women aged 35–39 rose 3% to 55.3 from 53.7 in 2021. Rates for women in both age groups had risen 3% and 5%, respectively, from 2020 to 2021.

* The birth rate for women aged 40–44 rose 5% in 2022 from 12.0 to 12.6; the rate had risen 2% from 2020 to 2021


The cesarean delivery rate remained unchanged in 2022.

* The cesarean delivery rate was 32.1% in 2022, unchanged from 2021 (Figure 3).

* The cesarean delivery rate was stable for Black non-Hispanic (subsequently, Black) women from 2021 to 2022 at 36.8%.

* For White non-Hispanic (subsequently, White) women, the cesarean delivery rate was 31.1% in 2022, less than a 1% increase from the rate of 31.0% in 2021. * For Hispanic women, the cesarean delivery rate increased less than 1% in 2022, from 31.6% in 2021 to 31.7%.

* The cesarean delivery rate had increased by 1% or less from 2020 to 2021 for all women and for Black, White, and Hispanic women.

The preterm birth rate declined between 2021 and 2022.

* The percentage of newborns born preterm declined 1% from 10.49% of all births in 2021 to 10.38% in 2022. This decline follows a 4% rise in the preterm rate from 2020 (10.09%) to 2021 (Figure 4).

* The preterm birth rate declined 1% for Black mothers, from 14.75% in 2021 to 14.59% in 2022. The rate for this group had risen 3% from 2020 (14.36%) to 2021.

* The preterm rate also declined 1% for births to White mothers from 2021 (9.50%) to 2022 (9.44%). Preterm births to White mothers had risen 4% from 2020 (9.10%) to 2021.

* For Hispanic mothers, the preterm birth rate declined 2% in 2022 to 10.06% from 10.23% in 2021. The preterm rate for births to Hispanic mothers had risen 4% from 2020 (9.84%) to 2021

Last Reviewed: June 8, 2023

Source: CDC/National Center for Health Statistics

----------------------- --2nd source :

" United States - birth rate 1990-2021

Published by Statista Research Department, Aug 29, 2023

Over the past 30 years, the birth rate in the United States has been steadily declining, and in 2021, there were 11 births per 1,000 of the population. In 1990, this figure stood at 16.7 births per 1,000 of the population."

& another source : " The birthrate dropped slowly from 30 births per thousand in 1909 to 18.5 births per thousand in the late 1930s."

& " Statista › Society › Historical Data

Jun 21, 2022 — In the United States, the crude birth rate in 1800 was 48.3 live births per thousand people,"

_________ and another source :

" "Total fertility in the United States fell from 7.0 in 1835, one of the highest rates in the Western world at the time, to 2.1 in 1935, one of the lowest (Coale and Zelnik 1963; Hacker 2003)"

15 Nov 2023; 10:57am

---------------------------------------- "Propelled by a Second Industrial Revolution, the United States arose from the ashes of the Civil War to become one of the world’s leading economic powers by the turn of the 20th century. Corporate titans such as Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan amassed spectacular fortunes and engaged in the most conspicuous of consumptions."

18 Nov 2023; 10:51am

Population Replacement rate:

Google query : "What is the replacement rate for fertility in the US?"

Answer= around 1.7 children per woman

Big Number. 2.1. That's the replacement rate, meaning each woman would, on average, need to have 2.1 children for a generation to exactly replace itself.

In 2022, the U.S.' fertility rate was around 1.7 children per woman.Jun 1, 2023."

& another source [Forbes}:

"The U.S.’ fertility rate for 2022 sits well below the level needed for the current generation to replace itself";...

A birth rate below the replacement rate signals some major demographic changes on the horizon, particularly slowing growth, an aging population and an economy that one day may struggle to find enough workers to fill key jobs and pay taxes."

Business Insider suggests the solution to too few births of U S citizens is to let foreign immigrants take over the U S ! of course the better solution is to outlaw abortion everywhere! Stop the premeditated annihilation of the human race.

15 Nov 2023; 11:13am

Quote : " The current population of the United States of America is 340,672,102 as of Tuesday November 14, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data 1....

* The current population of the United States of America is 340,672,102 as of Wednesday, November 15, 2023 * , based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data 1.

* The United States 2023 population is estimated at 339,996,563 people at mid year.

* The United States population is equivalent to 4.23% of the total world population.

* The U.S.A. ranks number 3 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.

* The population density in the United States is 37 per Km2 (96 people per mi2).

* The total land area is 9,147,420 Km2 (3,531,837 sq. miles)

* 82.9 % of the population is urban (281,984,165 people in 2023)

* The median age in the United States is 38.1 years.

1. Updated on July 16, 2023 with the latest July 2023-July 2024 estimates from the United Nations, ..

Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.

World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision. (Medium-fertility variant)"

15 Nov 2023

I , Gloria Poole, tried to calculate how fast the U S would dep[opulate if the current birth rate continues and I partially completed it then got really afraid for U S that it will become like Japan or E U where there are no live births in sufficient quantities to continue. Here are my calculations but verify for yourself because I got distracted while crunching numbers:

If current U S population of 339,996,102 is reduced by 0.011% [fertility rate] 3747393.122 annually how many yrs will it take until there are no people in US?

________ 1st reduction : 339996102 [-] 3747393.122 =336 249 169.878

2nd reduction by 0.011% : 336249169.878 [-] = 332 501 776.756;

3rd reduction by 0.011% : 332 501 776.756 [-] 374 7393.122= 328 75383.634

4th reduction by 0.011% : 328 754 383.634 [-] 3747393.122= 325 006 990.512

5th reduction : 325 006 990.512 [-] 3747393.122 = 321 259 597.39

in 5 yrs population would diminish by 18,736,504.61


For the record, I also updated with Oct 2023 selfie of me on my "abou"me" page , and I also have updated other blogs of mine since I moved to Republic Missouri. Other blogs of mine which I update one by one and which have various purposes all legal and moral are:,P>,P>

Posted today 17 Nov 2023 at 3:57pm by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist from my own apartment in Repubic Missouri where I moved too on 31 Jul 2023.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Real women need to have more babies

Happy 4th of July Independence Day to all U S citizens from me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Springfield Missouri.

Quote: " The dark blot on our nation’s history that was Roe v. Wade has been removed. On this most American of holidays, that’s something to cheer."[My comment: Amen and hallelujah Jesus! ]

4thJuly2022; 2:32pm

I am sure most everyone in the entire world has read about the amazing courage of the U S Supreme Court in undoing the heinous decision of Roe v Wade. I am still thanking God for that. And everyone who loves this nation should be thanking God too, because this nation is in decline and needs future generations. As a nation we are depopulating which means not enough living babies are being born to replace the population. There are statistics to support that besides those partially collected by the CDC* . The Dept of Education published fact that 100,000 schools closed. The U S Military currently has only 2 million active military which is about ONE PERCENT of China's military probably. If the United States is to continue as a world power, we have to have PEOPLE! I am going to publish some scriptures about human life because the scriptures are my guiding light and it's the best way I know of correcting false doctrine.

It is written, " open thy mouth, for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy" [babies who are labeled unwanted and unloved].Proverbs 31:8, KJV

"Thou shalt not kill", Exodus 20:13, KJV

"Then the word of The Lord came unto me, saying before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. "Jeremiah 1:5. This verse has meaning to every human because it means that GOD knows you in te womb, that He caused you to be conceived, that He has already decided what you will look like, what sex you will be, what your nature and character will be and He has already a plan for your life.

"Thus saith the Lord that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee: fear not...". Isaiah 44:2a

I am also including some quotes from articles that are very important and will be in history books as they report the news of reversing the killing-of-unborn fake right of Roe v Wade:

Quote: "Roe v. Wade is gone. Finally. The Supreme Court met the moment and made history, correcting the most egregious judicial distortion of the Constitution in living memory. ...

Those threats [by psycho baby killers] and violence failed. The court’s majority held, and those justices should be recognized for their courage to withstand the intense pressure  targeting them on so many levels. Alito’s opinion does not significantly differ  from the earlier draft other than to address other justices’ concurring and dissenting opinions."..

The majority does not play coy about overruling erroneous precedents, as the court has sometimes been known to do. It states unequivocally that Roe and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, the 1992 decision ... established in 1973 by Roe, "must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision."  Alito’s opinion goes so far as to call Roe "egregiously wrong from the start," with "exceptionally weak" reasoning and "damaging consequences." ...

The court did not address when states should start protecting prenatal life,  leaving this to legislatures to determine, but it acknowledged what both Roe  and the decisions that followed it whitewashed: "Abortion destroys what those decisions call ‘potential life’ and what the law at issue in this case regards as the life of an ‘unborn human being.’";


Quote: " Abortion is no longer legal in Missouri.

The activation of the state's "trigger law" last week upon the U.S. Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade was the culmination of years of legislation and politics controlled by Republicans in Jefferson City....

"In Missouri, we stand for the born and we stand for the unborn," he says.";


“Moral courage as a locus for Americans to place hope,” he said, “the willingness to stand up for what is right and true in spite of negative consequences to oneself. That is an essential glue of constitutional democracy.”

Eli Merritt, a political historian at Vanderbilt University;

as quoted by ABC :;


Quote:"Washington — South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on Sunday defended her state's abortion trigger law that took effect after the Supreme Court's decision to strip away the constitutional right to an abortion. She said in an interview with "Face the Nation" that in the cases of rape or incest, she does not believe one tragedy is "a reason to have another tragedy occur."

"I believe every life is precious ... And we know so much more using technology and science than we did even 10, 15 years ago about what these babies go through the pain that they feel in the womb, and will continue to make sure that those lives are protected," Noem said. "And I just have never believed that having a tragedy or tragic situation happened to someone is a reason to have another tragedy occur."...

South Dakota is one of 13 states with so-called "trigger laws" on the books, in which abortion would be outlawed immediately or soon after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision that established the constitutional right an abortion.";


Quote: " Where is abortion banned in the US?

In the hours after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, several states made moves to immediately ban abortion:

* Utah * South Dakota * Kentucky * Louisiana * Oklahoma * Missouri * Arkansas
In Alabama, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Arizona, abortion clinics shut down because of pre-1973 abortion bans that were still on the books. With Roe gone, those laws are back in force. In some states, "trigger laws" which were passed before the court's ruling are still waiting to take effect. These laws were designed to come into force once the court overruled Roe, but some have additional waiting periods:

* Wyoming - five days * Mississippi - 10 days * North Dakota - 30 days Texas, Tennessee and Idaho have a 30-day period after the court issues its judgement,
Elsewhere, states that had abortion bans struck down by judges are now heading back to court to get the laws reinstated.

Legal battles are brewing in:

* Michigan * Ohio * Georgia * Iowa * South Carolina
...more restrictions could be passed in Florida, Nebraska, Montana, and Indiana.";


I have also recently updated other blogs of mine including these: ; not so recently updated, oops!; my investing educate the public attempt;

and possibly others which I have written in notebooks but are not on my mind at the moment.

* Footnote: the statistics of the CDC about babies who died in U S are false because they do not separate the babies purposely killed from those that die naturally for political reasons. If the nation really knew how many tiny defensless humans have been slaughtered in killing centers since that heinous decision of Roe v Wade long ago, there would probably be a civil war. It's a STAGGERING number because the 2 most populous states [NY and California] do not require any statistical reporting of abortion so their stats are totally skewed.

Posted today 4th July 2022 at 2:16pm by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist of /in Springfield Missouri, using my own computer/router/wired internet into my apartment and skills.

Friday, January 21, 2022

SCOTUS gives U S a future when #overturnRoe

Today is the MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington DC to make a show of influence that Americans want an end to the premeditated murder of human babies in the womb. This year all news reports indicate that the U S Supreme Court is re-thinking the heinous Roe decision. The nations'conscience has been seared by the deaths of the pandemic that so-called science has yet to curb and the millions of dead. The fervor for the blood of human sacrificed babies is waning in America and thank GOD! I, Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist , am posting quotes from six articles today about this topic and I urge you to read them. If you never read the U S Constitution and its amendments I urge you too before you open your mouth in public on this topic.

Please study these medical photos--educate yourselves on the reality of the human condition of baby in the womb.

Then scroll past photos to read quotes about the progress of the cause to #endabortion and #overturnRoe.

medical photo.

medical photo.

medical photo.

Portion of my oil painting I painted and namd "midwife"years ago. Copyright.

My copyright notice . Also on other blogs of mine.

Wahoo! Thank u SCOTUS! : Quote: " WASHINGTON (AP) — In the latest setback for abortion rights in Texas, the Supreme Court on Thursday refused to speed up the ongoing court case over the state’s ban on most abortions.The Texas ban is thus likely to remain in effect for the foreseeable future, following a decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans to send the case to the Texas Supreme Court, which is entirely controlled by Republican justices and does not have to act immediately.... The Texas law that bans abortion once cardiac activity is detected — usually around six weeks, before some women know they are pregnant — has been in effect since September. Last month, the high court kept the law in place and allowed only a narrow challenge against the restrictions to proceed.";


Prolife Advocates hopeful SCOTUS ends abortion:

Quote: " The March for Life, for decades an annual protest against abortion, arrives this year as the Supreme Court has indicated it will allow states to impose tighter restrictions on abortion with a ruling in the coming months — and possibly overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling... At least 26 states are in line to further limit abortion access if Roe is weakened or overturned, according to abortion rights groups. In December, the court indicated in a major case that it would uphold a Mississippi ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, and allow states to ban abortion even earlier. The Mississippi case directly challenges Roe.... Mississippi state Sen. Joey Fillingane, a Republican who pushed for the state’s strict abortion laws, said he is not able to attend the March For Life in Washington but is pleased that he and two GOP colleagues will be recognized there.";


Quote: "...states looking to restrict abortion rights include Florida, where state legislators are considering a bill that, like the Mississippi law before the Supreme Court, would ban most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Washington state Republicans have also introduced legislation this session that would roll back abortion access, including a bill that would make providing medical abortion methods a felony. Additionally, voters in Kansas and Kentucky are expected to decide this year whether to amend their state constitutions to say there is no right to an abortion.... Last year, 108 abortion restrictions were enacted in 19 states,... After hearing arguments last month over the Mississippi law, the Supreme Court's conservative majority appeared inclined to scale back abortion rights. A decision on the case is expected by the end of the court's term in June. Should the court overturn Roe, leaving the right to an abortion decided on a state-by-state basis, 26 states are "certain or likely" to ban abortion...;


I update this few minutes later to add in these that were emailed to me to help publicize.

The website lists this year's theme as "Equality Begins in the Womb," with the president, Jeanne Mancini, writing, “As our country continues to advance along the path to a more just society, we cannot ignore the discrimination that is taking place against vulnerable unborn babies who some view as “less than” others. In order to create a more just society, we must recognize that equality begins in the womb.”; 21Jan2022;7:35am Pro-lifers gathering in our nation's capital for the 49th annual March for Life are recognizing the contributions of Texans. At the National Prayer Service, pro-life organizations will thank State Senator Bryan Hughes and John Seago of Texas Right to Life. Both of them are key leaders in the enactment of the Texas Heartbeat Law. Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values, explains why the law bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. “A baby’s heart starts beating around five or six weeks. That life should be protected, and a lot of people agree with that,” Saenz said. “They’re starting to be more aware of the science that we know. They can’t imagine the idea of ending that life.” 21Jan2022;7:37am Quote: January 2022..., the month, Sanctity of Human Life Month, the pro-life movement has much to celebrate at the national, state, and community levels.

The national level

The Supreme Court took up Mississippi’s Dobbs case last month, a move many in the pro-life movement view as a positive step.  Speculation in a recent Live Action article offered that: “The fact that the Court agreed to hear the case in the first place indicates that it is ready to issue a change in abortion-related decisions. If the Court intended to strike down Mississippi’s law and reaffirm Roe v. Wade, it could have accomplished that by refusing to grant the request for a hearing. The Court’s hearing of the case gives a strong indication that at the very least the Court intends to uphold the constitutional validity of Mississippi’s 15-week protection.” The Justices also heard arguments on the Texas heartbeat law, letting the measure stand for now, ... Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Rescue Network® achieved a milestone in 2021 with 3,000 lives saved from abortion since the protocol began more than a decade ago. Celebrations continue at other levels.

Pro-life marches across nation

From Washington D.C. to Chicago, from Casper, Wyoming, and beyond, pro-life marches are taking place across the country this month. The National March for Life happens in the nation’s capital Friday, January 21, and Students for Life will host a National Pro-Life Summit the following day. In my own community of Casper, a March for Life took place on Saturday, with people walking from a downtown church to the courthouse. On Saturday, January 22, a march takes place in Wyoming’s capital, Cheyenne. The state level

Since the Supreme Court upheld the Texas heartbeat bill, several other states are eying similar legislation. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem requested that legislators bring a similar bill to her desk this year in her state-of-the-state address to, and a Florida state legislator recently introduced a measure mirroring the Texas law. Additionally in South Dakota, Noem signed a measure and the legislature approved her executive order that prohibits the mailing of abortion pills into the state. Such moves by state officials to protect women, who may or may not know what they would be putting into their bodies through such “pills by post” schemes, could save lives, both the unborn and the mother. The community level

Individual communities have also begun taking a stand for life. Sanctuary cities for the unborn continue to spread. The movement began in Texas; communities in other states, including Nebraska and Ohio, soon followed. City ordinances banning abortion in their communities may not always be well-received but still arise.";

21Jan2022; 7:47am

This is a turning point for these " United States" that have not been this divided since the run-up to the Civil War in the 1860s. A nation divided against itself cannot stand and a nation that has that evil euphemistically name "planned parenthood" machinery to methodically annihilate the future generations also cannot stand. "We, the people of the United State"" must demand that the premeditated murder of human beings in their mothers'wombs must end. There NEVER was any Constitutional "right"to kill one's offspring and GOD willing there never will be. Such a so-called right" was never voted on by U S Congress, nor was it ever approved by both houses of Congress, nor was it ever signed into law by any President, nor was it ever put to the states to ratify or refuse to ratify, nor was the Constitution ever amended to create a new "right" to kill defenseless, innocent, tiny humans [or any other innocent humans for that matter].

Please pray today and ever day that GOD HIMSELF has set a date in time that the United States will no longer tolerate the savage, unmerciful, premeditated murders of tiny humans. Let these United States become CIVILIZED again in the Name of the Living Lord Jesus.

I have also recently updated another prolife blog of mine but it is different from this post today :


and other blogs, see list on, blog

/ Posted today 21Jan2022, at 7:26am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist,writer, cartoonist,author,illustrator,prolife activist, white woman, christian, U S citizen b birth, from my ow apartment in Springfield Missouri, using my own computer/router/interent in my apartment and skills, as usual.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Real women have babies and good nations protect babies

Here's the simple truth: nations that are GOOD do not allow the premeditated killing of innocent human babies. These United States have to overturn Roe decision one way or the other. If you read the entire U S Constitution and all amendments you will see for yourself that there is no such right as the right to kill one's offspring. I am posting to this blog today snippets of prolife news that all true born again Christians everywhere will understand, but hopefully, all religions who teach that GOD is The Great I AM who creates all life, and who oversees all life and judges each and every human on His Judgement Day, will understand also. [Read book of Revelation, King James Holy Bible for details of God's Judgement Day at the end of time.] I have categorized this post today to simplify it. Teach yourself how to save babies lives with the youtube videos included in Part I.

I. Videos of how to save babies lives that any person can learn:

A. Giving an Infant CPR via youtube:

21Oct2021; midnite

B. Preventing choking in a child and what to do if child chokes:;


C. Assisting w/ emergency childbirth:;

Embryo in amniotic sac photo;

II. Prolife states are getting bolder. My thanks as a prolife Registered Nurse to my state of Missouri for its prolife stand and legislation, and also to states of Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas, Nebraska, Texas, and the other states who have restricted abortion. God willing the fake "right" to kill human babies will end this Dec 1 , 2021 when the U S Supreme Court hears the petition by Texas and Mississippi. I am asking all states to join that petition and all prolife organizations across the world to make known the intent of undoing the heinous act of Roe v Wade that allowed [unconstitutionally] the premeditated murders of more than 100 MILLION tiny, defenseless humans in the womb since that usurpation of power by SCOTUS in 1963 [historical news] . Remember God's commandment is "thou shalt not kill"in Exodus 20:13,in KJV. Humans in the womb can ONLY be human since they are the direct result of the joining together of human sperm from a human man and the human egg from a human woman. The law of the species is that each species reproduces after its own kind. Human development in the womb has been documented for decades via ultrasounds, amniocentesis, xrays, scans, blood tests. It is MEDICAL FACT that what obstetricians label "the products of conception"is the human being that GOD labels the "fruit of the womb"in the Old Testament.

I posted many of the scriptures about protecting human life and that declare God's viewpoint on life in the womb to another blog of mine at:

And also updated yesterday another prolife blog of mine with more news:

And updated in past month another blog of mine with yet more prolife news at:

Also please read my public health blog I write as Registered Nurse at that I updated recently.

III. Prolife happenings and legislation:

1) Quote : "Kentucky state Rep. Nancy Tate, R-Brandenburg, is working on a massive pro-life bill for 2022 to protect the health and safety of mothers and their unborn babies... Her plans include adding new safety regulations for abortion drugs, ensuring parents have the ability to consent before an underage daughter has an abortion, expanding conscience protections for pro-life employees and more;"


2) Quote: "Pro-life groups expect victory as the United States Supreme Court intends to fast track the Texas abortion ban decision, reports say. LifeNews tweeted on Monday that the Supreme Court will fast track its decision that bans the Texas Heartbeat Act... The Texas Heartbeat Act or Senate Bill 8, which bans abortions six weeks beyond for pregnancies detected of a fetal heartbeat, came into effect last September 1... The United States 5th Circuit Court of Appeals last week rejected the block demanded by Biden on the Texas abortion ban in a 2-1 vote. The 5th Circuit Court's decision thus reinstated the Texas Heartbeat Ac"..."

22oct2021; 7am

3) Quote :"Anti-abortion Christians have recently reacted violently after a newspaper article claimed that the anti-abortion movement was based on a misreading of the Hebrew Scriptures, especially a passage in the book of Exodus"... In response to the Washington Post story, these Christians quoted dozens of verses and many major themes that evoke a pro-life message against abortion.... Franklin Graham, President of the Billy Graham Mission and Samaritan’s Purse quoted various passages, from God creating humans in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) to Psalm 139, which King David proclaims to God. From you when I was made in a secret place, when I knit together deep inside the earth. Your eyes saw my shapeless body. He quotes Jeremiah 1: 5 and writes, “Before I shaped you in the womb that I knew you, I separated you before you were born.” Graham also quotes Luke 1, a passage in which John the Baptist and Elizabeth and Mary, who were pregnant with Jesus Christ at the time, meet together and feel Elizabeth sense the presence of Jesus and jump in the womb....

Also, “The teachings of Christian pro-life are organic to the entire Bible and have been refined for thousands of years.” said — Mark Toury, Institute of Religion and Democracy...

Mark Tourie, director of the Institute of Religion and Democracy (Religion and Democracy Institute) also said “It stems from the assumption that everything is created by God, sacred to God, and we belong to God, not ourselves,” Tooley argued. “Christianity is particularly concerned about protecting and speaking the most vulnerable people at the beginning and end of life to protect fellow creatures who cannot speak for themselves. The view of professional life is: It is the result of the whole gospel."

22Oct2021; 7:05am

" 4) Sebastian County Arkansas declares itself a prolife county:

22Oct2021; 7am

5) Texas's petition to SCOTUS to overturn Roe: "Properly understood, the Constitution does not protect a right to elective abortion," Paxton's filing said, adding that the state law furthers "Texas's interest in protecting unborn life, which exists from the outset of pregnancy."

Reuters; 21 Oct 2021; 5:51pm

6) “Proud of [the U.S. Supreme Court] affirming the Texas law banning abortions for babies with a heartbeat,” he wrote. “As an entertainer, I don’t get political often. Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life gamer developer."

22Oct2021 at 7:53am.

IV. The legal actual Constitution is clear on the subject that these United States are supposed to protect innocent human lives:

All amendments to the U S Constitution are on this site: I urge you to read each amendment and educate yourselves on the real liberities of citizens which do NOT include any right to kill!

Specifically the 14th amendment should cover humans in the womb because humans are persons and persons are human:

"AMENDMENT XIV - Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868"

Note: Article I, section 2, of the Constitution was modified by section 2 of the 14th amendment.

Section 1

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; <i>nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

If you have prolife news or events or want to communicate with me, you can email me at publish.truth [at] I have other emails also [some with my real name of Gloria Poole on them] and some people will know them because I have had them for years. Also, I live in an apartment complex in Springfield Missouri since Oct 2018 and before that I lived in Columbia Missouri almost 10 years. However I was born in the state of Georgia, USA, and educated there via the University of Georgia and the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing.

Posted today 22 Oct 2021 at 7:08am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist *, writer, author, illustrator, mother, white, christian, twice-divorced, single-again, woman, U.S. citizen born in state of Georgia; from my own apartment in Springfield Missouri, using my own equipment[ computer, router, wired internet] and my own skills and knowledge as a R.N. but also my i.t. skills . * Footnote: so there is no confusion by anyone anywhere: I am the same Gloria Poole, who has created at least 4000 pieces of art over my lifetime that include oil paintings, sketches, drawings; clay objects; papier mache objects; acrylic and watercolor paintings; pencil and ink drawings; "clip art"and I am the same Gloria Poole, who has photographed and posted my photos to online albums since about 2004. Each blog I create is unique created one at a time with content I gather, and sometimes quote but always create/post in my own accounts.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wahoo! The baby humans are winning the battle.

There is much good news for baby humans. Today the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling that our prolife President Donald Trump can defund the killing organization named falsely "planned parenthood". That name is a deliberate euphemism intended to fool people. Planned Parenthood does not plan for any woman to be a mother--they kill human babies for pay. Planned Parenthood is evil. So the fact that our current administration can cut off the public funds of Title X to that killing organization is VERY GOOD NEWS.

Also, there's more. According to Bloomberg Law today, another ruling by the Ninth Circuit Federal court ruled that President Trump's "gag rule" can go into effect. That means proper clinics cannot kill human babies with taxpayer dollars, nor inform of "option" for abortions nor refer pregnant women to those who kill babies. In other words, medical providers may not in any way advance the cause of killing of tiny US citizens in utero.

This is very good news for tiny humans and for America.

I urge all Christians to keep praying that GOD ends abortion as a so-called legal "right" when GOD HIMSELF wrote commandment "thou shalt not kill" [Exodus 20:13, KJV] in stone on the mountain and gave the words to Moses according to Exodus in The Holy Bible. It is medical fact that humans in the womb are human from the exact second the human sperm enters the human egg and merges to create a new human.

Today is 20th June 2019 at 11:40am. It took me two years to get moved to new city, get new internet provider, new equipment and find all the information to login to my accounts. Criminal ID thieves hijacked my CenturyLink internet in Sept 2017 and slammed it to a secret company to help a murderer who tried to kill me four times. One bad thing about the US culture of video games that promote killing as a "game" or "entertainment" is that the villains become the one to feel sorry for in a perverse flip of conscience. CenturyLINK and its accomplices apparently felt sorry for my 2nd exhusband [male DBP] because I told publicly that he tried to kill me four times and caused me fractures, concussions, and fractured teeth. CenturyLINK promotes murder of women with their policies so I am glad I moved from their locale. There is no killing accomplice named CenturyLINK in Springfield, Missouri thank GOD. I moved from Columbia Missouri to Springfield, Missouri on 22nd Sept 2018 with all my possessions that were not looted on moving truck as movers loaded it.

Gloria Poole, RN, artist; Springfield, Missouri

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Real women can do all these , Part2 written by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of /in Missouri

I, gloriapoole /Gloria Poole a real woman, and Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri/artist/cartooonist/illustrator/writer/blogger/personhood promoter/author/republican/twice-divorced/single-again/christian/white/woman/mother of 2 grown daughters, drew this sketch from a photo tweeted to me yesterday from the Preakness. I painted it wiht soft pastels and Inktense and signed it, photographed it, uploaded it, and posted it to this blog of mine today 17th May 2017 at 10:53am , to make a point. Real women can ride horses, and become expert equestrians. Also scroll down to read other things real women can do. Copyright. Gloria Poole,Missouri. 17th May 2017, 10:54am. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO ME GLORIA POOLE OF MISSOURI FOR ALL ART, ALL WORDS AAND ALL PHOTOS ON THIS BLOG FROM THE BEGINNING OF IT, AND FOR ALL CONTENT AND FOR THE BLOG ITSELF AS AN ENTIRETY. You may not download, nor save to your disk, nor reproduce, nor make prints nor copies of any art on this blog, nor totally reproduce in any way any blog post norany art, nor any photos, nor any words of mine. See full copyright notice at bottom of post.Also, when I received the login code , AT&T crooked staff stole $ from one of my cell phones. Documenting for law enforcement and my own records.

Real women can:

plant trees, corn, tomatoes, beans, squash,cucumbers, eggplants, broccoli, cauliflower;

manage farms, businesses, or governments;

draw/sketch/paint their emotions or anything they imagine

write/ blog/tweet

produce living babies and nurture them and teach them everything

understand how human relationships work and show mercy, kindness, and compassion


learn almost anything

teach others

can participate in most sports that do not strain the uterine ligaments

can pray as intercession for others

can protest, march to support their causes including the cause of the continuation of the human race

can tolerate discomfort of pregnancy and the hard work of laboring to push newborn into world

can sing /yodel/ shout /talk

can play musical instruments including piano, flute, trumpet, horns, drums

can design almost anything

can apply for and get patents

can write and get published

can encourage or discourage depending upon their facial expressions and words

can operate complex machinery

can be surgeons, doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientists, farmers, artists, cartoonists, illustrators, personhood provocateurs, astronauts, stay at home wives, architects

can be grandmothers

can listen to their own consciences instead of the propaganda of those who exploit women and children

can learn the wisdom of the Bible and store it in their hearts

can create clothing. architectural designs, floor plans, bridges, art; words;

can be good step-mothers

can be wise and beautiful at the same time

can be at peace with themselves and like themselves

can look good with or without make-up

can comfort their husbands without caring what world thinks

can conceive from their husband's sperm, nurture it in their wombs, and push living infant into world

can perform on stages

can produce documentaries, film, produce TV, write scripts

can be very happy being at home with their children and or husbands

can do any or all of these in one lifetime

can be happy that GOD made them women.

can ride horses, elephants, donkeys, mules, vehicles, rockets, spaceships.

Can photograph, develop images,

can market anything.

can publish or run publishing companies.

Written by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Missouri as sequel to part I of this in the archives of this blog.

My purpose in creating any prolife or personhood blog or site is motivated by this scripture:

"Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

Open thy mouth, judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8,9, KJV

Below is an article I wrote years ago about human babies develop in the womb.

My thanks to readers in US, Ireland and India for reading/ viewing previous post. You ramped up my stats and I am grateful for that. For the complete list of countries where I have followers or readers please see my Also see links to more art I created on that blog.

From Embryo to Fetus in the womb : medical facts
by Gloria Poole,R.N.
There are several distinguishing features of the

transition of an embryo to a fetus. Both of these words

are medical terms for a certain stage of development in

the womb. There is no abrupt change from the embryo to

the fetus. Instead there are cumulative changes that are

evolving day to day. The embryo changes from an

amorphous shape to more of a tiny human with all parts.

Also all of the major body organs have either appeared

or the precursor of them has developed. As the embryo

survives the second month in the womb, and is alive at

the beginning of the third month, the tiny human is less

vulnerable to the effects of disease in the mother, or

radiation of the mother, or medicines the mother may

have taken. Of course women who are pregnant should

never drink alcohol or use drugs! At any stage of the

pregnancy the baby in the womb is harmed by alcohol, and

many drugs have teratogenic effects. The term fetus is

appropriate after the major organs are either formed

entirely or the precursor of them is present e.g. for

the kidney. The fetus is still vulnerable but not as

much so, since the tiny human has a larger body and

therefore it would take larger doses of medicines

through the placenta to harm the tiny being, and the

tiny baby also has more developed organs to filter the

medicines that might pass to the baby through the

placenta. At the end of the first month after

fertilization the human embryo is about a quarter of an

inch in length from the top of the flat bulbous like

head to the end of the emerging legs that look at first

like a tail. Most of the organs are beginning to take

shape as the cells continuously divide and

differentiate. The tiny human develops by a 'blue print'

that is built into the chromosones and genes that the

tiny human received from the mother and from the father.

Twenty-three chromosones come from each parent in most

instances. In Down's syndrome the chromosones are

different. The baby's brain develops first since it is

needed first. The wisdom of GOD in creating humans is

obvious if you really study human anatomy and physiology

much. The outlines of eyes appear and a primitive mouth

and by 30 days after fertilization the three primary

parts of the brain are present , and the eyes, ears, and

nasal passages have begun to develop. The beginnings of

the backbone is present but that first month the tiny

embryo is sort of hunched together in a C shape. There

is no discernible arms or legs yet but the "tail" will

become legs. The heart will have started beating even

though it is not completely formed. The tiny human has

a closed circulatory system that includes the baby's own

blood vessels and also the umbilical cord and placenta

to the mother. The digestive tract opens from the mouth

downward for the first time on about the 28 th day

after fertilization by the male sperm. The liver appears

by about the 21 st day after fertilization. The thyroid

gland begins to form. The stomach, intestines,liver and

pancreas are there but there is no anus yet. The lungs

are not developed yet. Lung buds begin about day 27 and

the trachea [windpipe ] appears a few days after that.

By the time the tiny being would be called a fetus he or

she would have gained weight to one gram or about one-

thirtieth of an ounce, which is not as much as an

aspirin tablet but for the tiny human it is significant

progress since it means a 50-fold gain in body mass

gained during the second month over again what the tiny

human weighed at the end of four weeks after

fertilization. By day 31 muscles appear in the pelvis

and arms and legs begin to form and look sort of like a

bud on a tree in bloom.The valve separating the chambers

of the heart appear on day 31 or soon after. The germ

cells [sex determining] move along the mesoderm toward

the genital ridges and will form either ovaries or

testicles. By day 32 the caudal muscles appear [in what

becomes the baby's behind] and the last pair of gill-

like arches that will develop into lungs appears. By day

33 the cerebral cortex in the brain develops. By day 34

more of the muscles that will become the thighs and legs

develop and the stalk that separates the baby from the

yolk sac lengthens. By day 35 the primitive germ cells

have arrived in large numbers near the ridge that

develops into the kidney. And the olfactory part of the

brain that regulates small is present in the brain. By

the fifth week the tiny human is 8 millimeters or one-

third of an inch long from crown to rump and weighs

about 1/1000 of an ounce. The jaws are forming and the

face is beginning to look like a human face. The

umbilical cord is present and is the only part connected

to the placenta. The pituitary gland is forming in the

middle of the brain. The pharynx branches into the two

parts that will go to each lung. The membranes

[peritoneum] that separate the intestines form the chest

have formed and separate the lungs,heart and trachea

from the stomach and intestine. By day 36 the arm and

legs buds appear, and the 'tail' starts to shrink and

the baby may start moving about.
By day 37 the intestines have grown enough that they are

beginning to curve into their adult shape. The brain

stem that controls respiration is recognizable. By day

38 the jaws of upper and lower begin to look symmetrical

and with an mouth between them and the eye muscles have

begun to form in the orbits. Hands that look more like

paddles form and then when the fingers elongate they

look more like hands. The insides of the baby have grown

so fast that they sort of bulge and could be seen easily

through the almost transparent skin of the baby. By day

39 the nerve fibers are present to connect the sense of

smell of the olfactory nerves. By day 40 the pigment

[color] of the eyes could be seen through the

transparent skin also. The jaws are well formed and the

teeth, and facial muscles are forming also. The gill

arches disappear and the diaphragm appears that moves up

and down in respirations though the baby does not

breathe in the womb but later sort of practices that

effort. The liver starts producing red blood cells and

takes over from the yolk sac. By day 42 the reflexes

being and fingers and toes are more visible and the

beginnings of gonads are visible. By the sixth week the

fetus is 13 millimeters or half an inch long from crown

to rump. Cartilage that will become bone appears. The

head seems huge in relation to the rest of the body and

bends forward onto the chest since baby is still sort of

a C shape. Fingers appear. And the mammary glands begin.

The stomach and intestines rotate into position, muscles

lengthen and both cartilage and bone are visible in the

forming skeleton. The kidney has begun with the

pronephros the first but non-functioning kidneys. By day

44 the retinas of the eyes form, and also the palate of

the mouth and and the canals of the ear. By day 46 the

gonads are formed either ovaries or testicles so the sex

of the baby. Viola by day 48 after fertilization the

tiny human looks like a human! And is definitely a

/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. with reference from medical

textbook "From Conception to Birth' by Roberts Rugh and

Landrum B Shettles MDs.

Here's is warning from the Bible about certain events that could affect women who disobey GOD:

JESUS said, "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Je-ze-bel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and seduce My servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I AM HE which searcheth the reins and hearts; and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. " Revelation 2: 20-23,kjv


This site is owned by Gloria Poole, R.N. and artist of MIssouri.

My selfie in Feb 2017:

This is a selfie of me [Ms] Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, and artist in all visual mediums, that I photographed yesterday to add to a blog. It is necessary to do this for several reasons: there was a well-orchestrated effort last week to totally annihilate me from the web and to steal my landline telephone, a cell phone number of mine, and there was a fake obituary that was sent to Google to try to fool the world about me. I am alive and well [except for the permanent damage to my physical body from trauma on 2 occasions]. I am adding this here today to document that I am alive and well, and still very much active on web and in other ways. I photographed this in my bathroom so I could use the mirror to see the push button on other side of camera, and forgot I had a towel over the door! And that white streak is where I wiped mirror first but didn't realize til photo that threads got on mirror. I often look very red in summer because I walkabout a lot in the sunshine. I am a white woman and that is apparent in a better light. photo-by-gloriapoole. Copyright. Gloria Poole. Missouri. 27 Feb 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. is a profile page for me;

My 2017 word art & cartoon symbol I created. I signed the cartoon in the lower left corner before I photographed it. Copyrighted.

This account belongs ONLY to me Gloria Poole,RN, artist of /i;

Thanks to my followers from around the world. On all blogs of mine, I have viewers in 72 countries viewing /reading what I create and you can see the updated list of those countries on my For the previous post, the viewers of this blog were from US, France, Canada, UK and Lebanon.. So thank you very much!

You can read more about the prolife /personhood cause and see more medical photos on these blogs of mine:

https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.comI updated this in Oct. I updated this today 25th Feb 2017 also., I, Gloria, updated this in Oct also.

https://words-that-work-LLP.blogspot.comI, gloria, updated this in Oct with quotes I like about love. I updated this today also 25th Feb 2017.

You can read what I have written as a Registered Nurse on several topics of health care and #publichealth on this blog of mine:

You can follow me on twitter at : @gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @Tartan_Bliss; @ProlifeNurse; @tweetie0817; @gpoole817, @glorias_writing, and @personhood1.Each is different.

Also, remember that I am NOT on Facebook, nor on Pinterest, nor on LinkedIn, and NEVER was because of their policies on copyright. Also, in spite of being stalked on the web by AARP, I am not a member of AARP. The best I can tell is that they signed me up without asking me so they could track me on the web to attempt to belittle my content or defame me as being "retired" from working for some criminal at remote. The truth is I never worked with or for my 2nd exhusband who is a masseuse in any capacity and he never was authorized on any account of mine, nor authorized to use my name nor have possession of content I created. I did work in nursing as a Registered Nurse for 26 years until my then-husband tried to kill me, caused me much trauma and effectively ended my career as a R.N. who could get hired for pay [because of concussion].I am divorced from him [DBP] since Oct 2007 and I moved to Missouri in Oct 2009.

Also, for the record: all telephones associated and or numbers associated with this account and any account of mine, are MY phones and they are located in my apt in Missouri which is my only residence. I rotate those phone numbers around on blogs etc, if/ when I think I am being stalked in person or on web. Many threats to my life and injuries were caused to me by my 2nd exhusband [male with initials DBP] who lives in Colorado as far as I know. I do not willingly communicate with him in any way whatsoever. I have other telephones besides the ones listed on this account for my safety's sake.

Also, you can see some of the general audiences art I made on these blogs of mine:

and other sites and blogs which are each unique with different art on any given day, because I create them one by one myself.

My profile for this blog is:

Also please read " A tune and a tear" that I wrote on the topic of what is happening in the US:

My copyright notice for this blog and all content on it and for all blogs of mine.

Also, for the record, I create #art frequently and that is no secret about me because I post it to the web usually. You can see some of that at my : and on other blogs of mine. I incorporate by reference all blogs and sites, all copyrights, all statements of disclosure of mine and all selfies of me into this blog, by reference.

I am a graduate of Georgia Baptist College of Nursing and have a Registered professional Nurse license in Missouri and before that in Georgia and other states also.

I am a graduate of the University of Georgia College of Business .


This is me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Missouri and Georgia, in a selfie of spring 2014 but I look exactly the same today.

Copyright notice: I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to all content on this blog. Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name, that I was born with; but on pencil and or ink drawings I sometimes also sign my born with surname of Poole which is my legal name again because I removed the Pappas name, which was my second married name from my name at time of final divorce decree in Oct 2007 from male DBP, and I resumed my full maiden name of Gloria Poole including my born with surname of Poole, by Court order at the same time. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria; Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749; and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole. For the record, I am a white, single-again, twice divorced, Southern Baptist, born again, Christian, woman and the mother of only two children who are grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator, author, personhood promoter. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole; nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone .

I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. All telephones in this apartment, and or listed on this account and any account of mine on the web belong to me personally and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones. I also have google voice numbers that I post to some blogs as a way of concealing my telephone numbers. I rotate my phones around if I think I am being stalked either in person or on web. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words I wrote and or art I made and signed and or photos that I photographed belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria / G-L-O-R-I-A / gloriapoole1749 /gloria0817 /gpoole817 / gloriapooleRN at yahoo / gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole /Gloria Poole,RN,artist /cartooning-by-gloriapoole / photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real name with or without my professional status as Registered Nurse and with or without numbers after my name, at my own private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and neither is my isp account shared with anyone which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere but me. /signed/ Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on 17th May 2017 2017 at 11:02am.

Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole / [Ms ] Gloria Poole,RN,artist of / in Missouri, USA